In its constitution, Ecuador has recognized the rights of nature prove of an eco-responsible attitude; making it the world’s first green destination by World Travel Awards since more than five years. Ecuador has a huge portion of the Amazon rainforest and is one of the last bastions of South American cloud forest. It is one of the world’s richest countries in terms of biodiversity. According to its eco-responsible approach,Ecuador has built the first sustainable airport with reused materials, for a bioclimatic architecture, powered by renewable energies.

Discover the best destination combining
tourism and environmental preservation!

Traveling in Ecuador is not just ‘traveling responsible3’: the country is full ofassets, among which immense diversity of wildlife, and paradise for birdwatching, with more than1600 species, many of which are endemic. Thecountry is home to one of the wonders of the world: the Galapagos Islands,which inspired Charles Darwin in 1835 in his theory of evolution throughnatural selection. And to finish on a sunny note, the weather is fine all yearround.

The Galápagos Islands

Elected “natural heritage of mankind4″ by UNESCO for its unique bio diversity and its breath taking landscapes, the settlers’ archipelago is considered a”dream holiday” destination! Fleets of ships, yachts, catamarans and responsible cruises offer thear chipel ago travelers an unforgettable, all-inclusive experience, with various programs encompassing most of the places allowing to observethis “Living Museum of Evolution”. To ensure a low ecological foot print the number of people on board is kept to a minimum (12 participants maximum)

The “Highlands”

Ecuador’s highlands are breathtakingly beautiful and address a wide range oftravelers. Refuges and parks welcome travelers and propose excursions toenjoy the extraordinary views and the spirit of the place. The sportier, such asclimbers whether beginners or experienced will find acclimatization andinitiation programs.

What awaits you in Ecuador, in short? A total comfort excursion! Combining walking, diving, swimming, observation and adventure for all nature lovers!