Close to the inhabited Suomenlinna Islands, home to a maritime fortress classified by UNESCO, the Finnish capital is bordered by numerous greenspaces, among which the Nuuksio National Park. The capital has also manyassets in terms of culture, architecture (inspired by art nouveau), and isconstantly innovating.
An innovative city combining technology
and environment to perfection
Indeed, digital technologies are at the heart of a green transformation inHelsinki. The ambition is huge! The capital of Finland has the objective to bancars and offer new mobility solutions by 2025. Smartphone users can alreadyorder on-demand buses or use algorithms to define the best itineraries. Thedriving force behind this sustainable development can be found on the city’s website.
“In Helsinki, environmental issues such as the rational use of energy and
the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions are considered extremely
important. Environmental issues are crucial for planning new
neighborhoods and development of public transport system.”
Helsinki is definitely a green city! In the Finnish capital, the construction policy is to build on brownfields rather than on green areas, to minimize their expansion into green areas.
The highly efficient district heating system and the replacement of coal by natural gas as a fuel for energy production implies that the city has very goodair quality.
As you will have noticed, nature is of paramount importance in Helsinki: urbangardening is expanding the image of Helsinki as a green city. There are manygardens around and in the city, where gardeners produce lots of chard, carrots, dill, mint and other delicious vegetables to provide the culinary scene, such as the famous carnival “Restaurant Day”.
Always in this idea of eco-responsibility, the city distributes bags or boxes forgardening. It is not insignificant that Finland has been elected as “the happiest country inthe world” for the second year in a row… So for a responsible and quality trip,… head for Helsinki!